Trevor Ranson - Chairman Trevor is a family man, married with children and grandchildren and has an interest in most sports. Trevor retired in 2017 having spent 40 years working in the animal feed industry in a variety of roles, and is currently Head of HR for an international animal nutrition company based in the East Midlands. He has a genuine interest in working with and helping people and has been involved with the Scout Association for many years. He is currently a Trustee and Chairman of the Charnwood District Scout Association and is also a Trustee of the Methodist Church in Loughborough. He is a past member of the Lions Club, a charity which is committed to helping the community. His interest in myasthenia developed in 2011, when he was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis, He found out about Myaware on the internet and found the information there invaluable in helping him to manage his myasthenia. Trevor helps in many ways to promote the charity and raise awareness. Manage Cookie Preferences